Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Noogle Diary has begun...strap in...

August 20, 2009

If god existed, he’d be an evil, super villain, Indian giver. Life is just countless kick in the crotch after kick in the crotch, sprinkled in a lovely symphony of blows to your gut and soul, right before your heart gets ripped from your chest and thrown onto a cold platter for your viewing. And on this note, Karma is the most bullshit thing I have ever heard of. Karma does not exist. There is no point to it all – whatever you put out, good or bad, does not come back to you in equal amounts in any sense of the word. If they did, the universe would be far different.

There isn’t much point to the struggle of things. You fight and you claw and you get up again, just to once again be swept at the knees. You push on merely for the purpose of pushing on. That is not good enough of a reason in my book.

These are my thoughts for today.

The “Noogle Diary” has begun…

My office glows all night long...Its a nuclear show, and the stars are gone (8/20)

Noogle is having a medium sized mental break down but the up side is, I have LOTS of new music and bands...proud of this play list below...

1. Eels - Lilac Breeze

2. Stars - Elevator Love Letter

3. Refused - New Noise

4. Maritime - Someone Has To Die

5. Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues